How to get super soft hands

Who hates getting dry, rough hands in winter? It sucks! Here’s a quick and easy way to get baby soft hands.

1. Make sure you drink lots of water and eat lots of healthy foods: Most of the time our skin is a reflection of what we eat, therefore it is essential that we eat healthy foods and drink lots of water. Foods like apples, cucumbers, avocados, salmon, nuts, and legumes are very healthy for your skin! Side story: When I was little I used to always drink apple juice (thanks mum and dad 🙂 ), up until I about was 12 (and I had super soft hands), and once I stopped drinking it as frequently my hands started to get rougher. This proves that it is essential that we have a healthy balances in the food we eat. A.k.a: EAT LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS OF HEALTHY FRESH FRUIT AND VEG AND WATER!

2. Take multi vitamins and tablets that improve your hair, skin and nails: Even though as said in my previous step it can be hard to eat “all healthy” – I mean come on, who’s got time for that? So another alternative you can take is taking tablets. Its not as bad as it sounds, just a couple of tablets in the morning with a nice big glass of water. It wont just help your skin to improve, but improve your inner health and how you perform in the day (school or work which ever you have).

3. Lotions: I know it sounds really REALLY girly, but lotions are actually quite good for you. It not only the amazing smell these lotions come in but also the amount of nutrients, moisturises and hydrating factors in the lotion itself. Fun fact: the average woman uses about 6-8 different types of creams before they go to bed (Dont go WOA but it is true, different creams have different pros and cons, and with a good selection of creams you can harmonise the effects they each have individually). Try applying large amounts of these lotions right before you go to bed. applying it at night allows the skin to repair with the influx of nutrients you provide it with by using the lotions. Make sure that you pick a lotion that has high hydration and is a well known lotion (a.k.a not the tacky brands in the supermarket!)

4. Olive oil: No you are not going to cook you hands, (lame joke) but olive oil is a very good oil to put into your skin (and even your hair). It moisturises your skin intensely, Try putting on olive oil on your hands and putting gloves over them. Leave them for 3-4 hours (do this once a week). You will be amazed by the results, but remember you wont get results very soon, you will have to  wait for a couple of months for the results to show.

5. Anti ageing cream: If you have really have a dry skin problems, then you should consider using an anti ageing cream. its never too early to use an anti ageing cream, it helps to reverse time, so that you get your baby soft hands back!

6. Consider making yourself a sugar exfoliating scrub: Its really simple and easy, it will moisturise and exfoliate your skin at the same time. When the sugar particles rub against your skin it will improve blood circulation and over time your hands will get softer! Here’s a simple recipe you can use to make yourself a  sugar exfoliating scrub:

Mix 1 tablespoon of sugar with one table spoon of olive oil and one table spoon of honey… voilà, you’ve made yourself a sugar scrub! Now use the scrub around once a week (maybe right before your olive oil glove sesh!)

7. And last but not least make sure that you take care of your hands by this I mean that you should use a soft wash cloth and soft towel. And also make sure that you don’t rub your hands too much, it irritates your skin and makes your skin harder. DO NOT TAKE VERY HOT SHOWERS taking hot showers evaporates the moisture in your body.

Hope this helps! Most of all make sure your happy, because the happiest people are the healthiest people!

Here are some of the products that I use on my hands, in the order that I apply them:

1. Cocoa butter skin therapy oil: This is truly a miracle in a bottle, I always use it on my hands and my face at night and by the time I wake up my skin literally glows!


2. Vaseline aloe fresh: Aloe vera is a skin hydrating agent. It locks in the moisture in your skin.


3. Palmers coca butter formula with vitamin E: It hydrates deep into your skin, makes your skin heaps softer and makes you feel like your skin is well nourished. I LOVE this product! (it even smells like chocolate – BONUS!).


Lots of love

Amanda xoxo

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